2016 T-Shirt Quilts

These two t-shirt quilts have just been completed:

Motorcycle Customer Quilt with Circles

Back of Motorcycle Quilt

Back of Motorcycle Quilt

Daisy Memory T-Shirt Quilt was for a mother whose daughter had died.  These are the daughter’s t-shirts. Shown here are several views of the front and one view of the back which the mother wanted to be used as the front.

Recent Customer Projects

One of my customers makes t-shirt and sweat shirt quilts and then gives them to me to quilt.  Over the last few months, I have had opportunity to work of three of these quilts, finishing the last two of them just this week. This one is a sweatshirt quilt with a popcorn overall design.  East Carolina University, located in Greenville, NC,  is part of the University System in North Carolina. Notice how the pockets of the sweatshirts are part of the quilt.ECU T-Shirt Quilt with popcorn design

Here is the back of this quilt:Back of ECU Popcorn QuiltingThe second quilt is a t-shirt quilt with a variety of different designs of no particular theme.  I used the hilbarc design for the overall quilting.  It looks good on the quilt.  In both cases, the quilting designs are large because the customer does not like the quilting to be dense. In this quilt, the pocket of one of the t-shirts was part of the quilt.Customer T-Shirt Quilt with Hibarc Design
These types of memory quilts are perfect for the person who collects t-shirts and sweat shirts and does not know what to do with them once they have served their purpose.  I made a t-shirt quilt using my son’s t-shirts from swimming and plan to do one using his t-shirts from tennis.